Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This week I learned...

  1. Chivalry is dying...and the men are not entirely to blame. (More to come in a future blog)
  2. The battle with procrastination is an on-going one. Procrastination is currently winning.
  3. Jogging in a sleevless t-shirt is not a great idea when it's really cold outside.
  4. Learning to play the guitar is actually harder and more time-consuming than one would initially think.
  5. In the words of Dr. Gregory House, "Everyone lies."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Celebrating Singles-Awarness Day

So today was Valentine's Day, which by the way, I consider to be the most overrated holiday, sure it's a day to celebrate love and all that, but shouldn't we treat our "Valentines" with the same special treatment and love every day and not just once a year? And I'm pretty sure that more people spend money on flowers and candy on Valentine's than any other day of the year. Since I didn't have a Valentine, I celebrated S.A.D. (Singles Awareness Day). All kidding aside, I just had another day. It was actually a great day, but another day nonetheless. I woke up around 7:00 this morning, took a shower, and then went and stood in front of a booth for Open Campus Day for about 2 hours, but it really wasn't all that bad because I pretty much stood around and talked to my friends and also met some really cool kids that were there looking at ABAC. Afterwards, Zach and I went to lunch at Asahi (which, coincidentally is possibly the best place to eat in Tifton) and we had a good time hanging out and talking. After lunch, I came back to my room and took a nap for about an hour, which was really nice! And tonight, we had a big get-together down at the BCM building which was a lot of fun. We had food, fun, and fellowship...and now I'm going to bed because: A) I'm tired, B) Church is in the morning and I have to get up early, C) I'm kinda running out of things to talk about, or D) All of the Above.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Girl of My Dreams Must....

The Girl of My Dreams Must…
· Love God more than she loves me
· Be willing to put what God wants before what I want regardless of how I feel
· Be willing to accept me for who I am
· Have a sense of humor
· Love to go camping
· Be supportive of me no matter what career I choose or how much money I make
· Take life seriously, but not too seriously
· Either love animals or be willing to put up with a dog or two
· Love my friends
· Love music
· Be good with kids
· Want to have at least one kid and/or adopt one
· Respect not only myself as head of household, but also respect herself
· Love her family as well as mine
· Love to travel
· Be willing to move if it’s God’s will

- Be musically inclined (includes singing and/or playing an instrument)
- Love to watch college football
- Be a great cook

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This week I learned...

1. Procrastination is something that I need to work on getting over (in fact, I'm doing it right now)

2. You know someone is a really good friend when getting a hug from them makes your day better, no matter how bad it may have been.

3. You can actually find some pretty talented people on Youtube.

4. I really should spend more time in the Word and talking to God.

5. I really want to learn how to play the guitar. I've made this statement before and I've never fully followed through, but I'm serious this time.

6. Studying actually improves one's chance of making a good grade on the test. I present my first math test grades, 100, and 104, as exhibits A and B.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Somebody Has a Case of the Mondays...

Ah, Mondays. The beginning of a new week of school and work, and quite possibly, my least favorite day of the week. I, like my friend Garfield (the cat), do not really care for Mondays. Apart from BCM being on Monday nights, I honestly think my week would be better without Mondays. I woke up this morning and felt like a huge, steaming pile of crap. Pardon the crude imagery, but that's about the best description I can give. My nose was all stuffy and my left eye felt like something was swimming around in it and I couldn't find it and it hurt like crazy...and on top of all that, I was exhausted. It seems like I stay tired. I mean, Saturday night, I went to bed at 8, and didn't fully wake up until 8 o'clock the next morning. I got 12 hours of sleep! And I still seemed so dang tired!! But! I went to BCM tonight and got to see my good friend Amber, and then afterwards, I went and got a Wendy's Frosty with another good friend of mine, and now I'm waiting up to get the new Fray cd...so my Monday didn't turn out so terrible after all.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Where Did My Friend Go?

Where did my friend go? It seems like only yesterday we were sitting around the table and laughing at a funny joke or discussing our daily activities. We would ride in the car and talk about the books we had read and what we liked and disliked about school and life in general. Sure we had our different interests, but we were friends. Our time together was filled with laughter and interesting conversation. Then, one day, I guess they stopped being my friend. Text messages were not answered, Facebook messages were ignored, and unless I directly talked to them, my presence was generally unacknowledged in public. What happened to our friendship? Did I try too hard to pursue a deeper relationship? Did I say something stupid? I want to know if I did something wrong, and I want to know if there's anything I can do to set it right. I miss my friend. I wish that we could just get back to the way things were...