Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's Been So Long

Since I last posted, and quite a bit has happened. I finished my 2nd year of college...unbelievable, I know! It only seemes like yesterday I graduated from high school and I was moving into the freshman dorms at ABAC! I'm home for the summer now, and I'm currently job-hunting. I've applied to Blackbird Coffee, Starbucks, and The Savior's Touch Christian Bookstore, but nothing has come up so far, although it's only been a couple of days since I applied. I really hope something works out...I would certainly hate to sit around and be bored all summer long, and also I've been told that I won't get a weekly allowance while I'm home for the money has to be discovered by an alternative means. I'm currently sitting in Blackbrid and just chilling until time for supper at church. I've got quite a lot of reading to do for the summer, nothing for school, but several books that are on my personal "To-Read" list. Right now I'm in the middle of The Da Vinci Code and it's very interesting albeit strange. I'm not really sure what will be after Da Vinci, but here's some possibilities:

- Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
- Desiring God by John Piper
- Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller
- Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell
- The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
- Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
- The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

...and that's all I have on the list right now, if you have any suggestions, feel free to send them my way! Well, I do believe that's all I have to write about at the moment. I hope you're all doing well.
Well, that's really